Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Growth Mindset

Before this assignment, I had not heard of Carol Dweck or the grown mindset before. I found the concepts from the videos on this assignment very interesting and relatable. Since I have been a cheerleader for almost my entire life, the desire to grow and improve myself physically and mentally is always a goal. I think there is always room to improve and cheerleading has made me realize that no matter how physically demanding and even dangerous it can be, it is much more mental than it is physical, much like other sports. Since I've been at OU, I have learned a lot about managing my time and the downfalls of spreading yourself too thin. It is easy to get the desire to be involved in everything possible, but I have realized that sometimes you need to give yourself some time for yourself as well. I am looking forward to exploring the growth mindset even more and applying it to my classes this semester.

(Photo by: Growth Mindset Memes blog) 


  1. I agree with what you wrote about in terms of managing your time. I too tried to get really involved early on in college but sometimes it is nice and refreshing to just do your own thing. I also liked the meme that you picked because I am a nerd at heart and love learning about anything I can. Knowledge can really help you in your future career and social life so it is extremely important to prioritize it.

  2. Jamie, I like how you relate the growth mindset to your cheerleading experiences. When I wrote my growth mindset post, I related the growth mindset to my BMX racing experience.
    I also agree with you that it is no bueno if you spread yourself thin when it comes to your time or anything for that matter. Honestly, I don't see how OU athletes find the time to balance school and athletics. I find it hard to balance school and work and I imagine that athletics takes at least as much time as work does!
    Anyway, cool meme! haha

  3. Hi, Jamie! I also found the concepts from Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset to be very valuable as well. I think it can relate to a lot of people. I agree with you that there is always room to improve and grow. I also agree that it is important to say no to things in college in order to avoid spreading yourself too thin. This is always something I have trouble with.
