Sunday, January 29, 2017

Reading Notes: Gospel of Mark, Part A

John the Baptist and Jesus: This story begins with John baptizing the people of Jerusalem in the river of Jordan and they confessed their sins. Later, Jesus heals a leper and tells him to not to tell others about it. The leper did not listen and told so many people what happened that Jesus couldn't enter the city without people who needed help swarming him.
The Followers of Jesus: In this story, the people of Capernaum question Jesus, wondering how anyone other than God himself can be capable of forgiving sins. Jesus proves as the Son of God, he too is able to forgive.
Jesus and the Twelve: Jesus taught a multitude of people by the sea. At the end of a story, Jesus sets peace over the sea and the people feared how one man is powerful and faithful enough to stop the winds and calm an entire sea.
Jesus the Healer: A man with an unclean spirit meets could not be tamed by any man, but worshiped Jesus when he saw him. Jesus relieved him of his unclean spirit and did not send him away.
A man drops to his knees and prays to Jesus to heal his daughter who is dying. With the touch of Jesus' clothes her plague was gone, but he had been touched. He said her faith made her whole, but she later died and Jesus said, "do not be afraid, just believe." He said she was not dead, but sleeping and she arose.
The Death of John the Baptist: Many who were sick got healed. John the Baptist was said to have risen from the dead.
The Miracles of Jesus: Men were eating the bread with unwashed hands. Washed hands were a tradition of the elders.
Jesus and The Pharisees: The Pharisees asked why the traditions of the elders were important. Moses said to honor your father and mother.
The Loaves and the Fishes Again: The people with Jesus hadn't eaten in 3 days. He fed them 7 loaves of bread and a few fish.
The Transfiguration of Jesus: Jesus took James, John and Peter up the mountain. In this story, Jesus says are things are possible if you just believe.

Jesus calls Levi

(Photo from: The Followers of Jesus from The Gospel of Mark) 

Bibliography: Gospel of Mark King James Version from the Bible (1611)

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